- The film still going strong in the multiplexes but the single screen BO figures are average.
- In Tamilnadu the trade reports are saying that in most of the areas theater owners recovered the amount they invested, but finding profit is very difficult with "The Dark Knight rises" attracts the Urban audiences.
- Trade pundits are saying that film is a Above Average in Tamilnadu. The film sold for 26.11 crores to Aascar Ravichandran and the film is said to be collected around 50 crores in Taminadu and with 30 % entertainment tax and the theater owner share the film is said to be made 30 crore nett for Aascar Ravichandran in Tamilnadu.
- In USA the film is said to be made around 75 Lakhs and 88 lakhs in UK .
- The film got lukewarm response in Andhrapradesh,Kerala and Karnataka.